Saturday, April 20, 2013

The Journey Begins

So tomorrow is the big day... We take off for Wichita in the morning!  My parents drove through torrential downpours to get here last night, and today was much of an orientation day for them as they have taken on the task of caring for Luca and Mia while Keith accompanies Bella and Me for the first week of our stay at the Hansa Center.  I am so thankful for them and their willingness to put their life on hold for the next week to help me get my life back.
We all sat down together tonight and watched Under Our Skin, which was entirely depressing, however very necessary for anyone who has, or has a loved one who has Lyme Disease.  I'm anxious, and I usually don't allow myself that kind of emotion.  Anyway, I pray (hard) that Dr. Jernigan will know what to do to help us get well - but my trust is ultimately in the Great Physician who has led us in this direction.
Our bags are packed... all we need to do now is try and sleep tonight, say goodbye to our babies in the morning, and get there.

1 comment:

amie said...

What an amazing story of faithfulness! It is completely in God's hands. I will be following your journey and praying for you and Bella!