Tuesday, December 05, 2006

DOC Band Cutie

Well, here is the latest addition to the "DOC Band cuties." This band is quite different from his old helmet. For one, it's white. We elected that "less is more" for this one. It's lighter and more open, which makes it seem more comfortable. The two curves on the top of his head are over high spots - places where the bones are higher than on the left. The band basically rests on those spots, and it's less constricting than the other one.
Luca is taking it so much better than we were prepared for. We are grateful for those who are praying for him - he will need it over the next few days as he gets adjusted to this again. As for today, we are pleased with how the first 8 hours went. He is sleeping as I write this and went down for the night without a problem! God is good, and we continue to pray for his mercy and grace through this treatment process.

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